Retinue Media does not accept or consider unsolicited materials, including scripts, pitches, treatments, or any other creative content related to movie projects. Any unsolicited materials received by Retinue Media will be discarded and not reviewed.
Please be advised that Retinue Media is not liable for any unsolicited materials submitted to us. Any such materials will not be returned, and the sender assumes all risks associated with submitting unsolicited content.
If you choose to submit unsolicited materials to Retinue Media despite this disclaimer, you acknowledge and agree that:
- You understand and accept that Retinue Media has no obligation to review, consider, or respond to unsolicited materials.
- You waive any claim or expectation of compensation, acknowledgment, or credit for any unsolicited materials submitted.
- You agree that Retinue Media is not responsible for any similarities between unsolicited materials and projects developed by Retinue Media or its affiliates.
- You release Retinue Media from any liability or claims arising from the submission of unsolicited materials, including but not limited to copyright infringement or breach of confidentiality.
By submitting unsolicited materials to Retinue Media, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to this disclaimer. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not submit any unsolicited materials to Retinue Media.
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Thank you for your understanding and compliance with our policy on unsolicited materials. We appreciate your interest in Retinue Media.